Please find below recognised courses that were available face-to-face but would now be available online if commissioned or if there is enough interest to run a group. Workshops or drop-in sessions are also offered and courses may be commissioned for individuals or groups. Please let me know if you are from a charity, CIC or community group as funding may be available. Do contact me to discuss your needs.
MBCT (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy) course
The 8-week MBCT course is designed for those looking to manage depression, low mood, anxiety or stress. It is approved by NICE to help prevent relaapse of episodic depression. Please read the course information for details.
Mindfulness for Nurturing Parents course
Please see details on the Parents page.
Mindfulness course
This course is for those looking to enhance their own well-being or manage stress and is based on the Finding Peace in a Frantic World book by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. The meditation practices are shorter and designed to fit with a busy lifestyle.
.b Foundations
Please see details on the Schools page.
Guided meditation sessions are offered on Wednesdays at 6.30am (GMT) as a window of time in which to connect and practise. You are welcome to attend if you have an established practice or if you are new to meditation: please read the information here. The Zoom link is on this page and the room will open at 6.20am so we can start at half-past.
(Please note there are no practice sessions during school holidays.
These sessions are freely offered - however, donations are welcomed in a "pay-it-forward" model so that other organisations may benefit in a practical way from our practice . Thank You.
Mindfulness course for people with Parkinson's, partners or carers: Finding Peace in a Frantic World
This will be run as an introductory 4-week course on Zoom with the option to extend to the the 8-week course. Course outline is here.
Course dates: Wednesdays 3rd - 24th March 11.30 - 12.45 and then extended course Wednesdays 21st April - 12th May
Cost: reduced cost: £55 for 4-week course, £100 for the 8-week course.
If you need help towards the cost of the programme please don’t be afraid to ask. You may be eligible for a Parkinson’s UK Grant. Please see the Parkinson’s UK website for relevant details. To apply, you will need to download and complete a grant application form and submit it for review. If you are successful, Parkinson’s UK will remit the grant directly to Teresa Gane, everydayspace, on your behalf.
Before applying for a grant please consider the following:
Grants can take up to eight weeks to process, therefore if you are applying you would need to plan in advance of the course start date to ensure funding was in place.
Individuals can only apply to the grants scheme once in a 12 month period.