One-to-one sessions can be helpful if you would like to do a course privately and there might be many reasons for this: perhaps you prefer not to be in a group setting, to address specific challenges or maybe for purely logistical reasons.
The following courses are offered:
8-week Mindfulness course (based on Finding Peace in a Frantic World), 50 minute sessions
8-week Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 1hr 15 minute sessions
8-week Mindfulness for Nurturing Parents, 1hour
A tailored course can also be offered on an individual basis
The course costs are a full price but some funding may be available so please let me know if this would be applicable for you. A free introductory session is offered as an opportunity to meet online and ensure it is the right course for you and that you can commit to the entire length of the training and the home practice.
Sessions are held online via Zoom video conferencing software and you will be supported in using the software if you are new to it. Workbooks for courses are sent electronically ahead of time.
I am very happy to talk with you so please do get in touch.
Photo: Curiosity - what can you make out in the bubble? What does it represent for you, if anything? How does it make you feel, if anything? Anything else?

"I enjoyed all aspects of the course. Firstly, the teaching from Teresa which was both interesting and ‘comfortable’ – in that I always felt happy to talk openly about things as and when they came up through the lessons. It was really good to be offered different types of meditations so that there was something for all situations and opportunities within a busy lifestyle."