Paws b for 6-11 year olds and .b Foundations course for Teachers
The paws b and .b Foundations are 8-week mindfulness courses designed by the Mindfulness in School Project for pupils and school staff respectively.
.b Foundations
Who is it for?
It can be offered to teachers, school, college & university staff; parents of affiliated establishments; anyone involved in an educational setting (e.g. youth clubs).
What's involved?
Each session is 90 minutes long and includes meditations, discussions and mindful exercises. Participants are required to do twenty minutes of home practice each day in order to embed the practices into everyday life. Different themes are explored each week, for example, automatic pilot, relating to others and building resilience.
The course is based on the "Finding Peace in a Frantic World" book by Dr Mark Williams & Danny Penman. Participants are required to read certain chapters as part of the home practice, which link in with the session themes.
Please note that this course is for the benefit of staff themselves rather than for staff to learn practices to teach students. However, some of the practices that are taught in the .b course (11-18 year olds) and paws b course (7-11 year olds) are covered in the .b Foundations.
paws b
Who is it for?
This course is aimed at 5-11 years.
What's involved?
It is delivered over 12 sessions of 40 minutes with a series of Powerpoint presentations with fun characters for the children and clear learning points for each week. There is home practice for them to do and each week has a different theme, such as Our Amazing Brain, Making Choices and Finding a Steady Place.
You will find the curriculum here:
Photo: Can you spend 30 seconds looking? Noticing the colours, shapes, shades, patterns of these lanterns.

"I learnt the importance of finding time for yourself during the day and to view your thoughts objectively."