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Carers' course

Feedback from participants attending the bespoke 6-week carers' mindfulness courses:

"I found the course very friendly and inviting."

"Teresa was a brilliant teacher.  It wasn't just what she taught, but her whole way of being and her behaviour towards everyone exemplified the mindfulness way of being and was possibly the most helpful thing to me in learning about mindfulness."

"As a carer I get exptremely stressed and doing mindfulness has really helped."

"I am using the breathing space as a way of coping with stressful situations."

"I thought Teresa was excellent.  Has a nice calming manner about her and a nice soothing voice.  The meditations were good and very relaxing. Gave us time to talk and to share."


"Teresa has a very calming effect which enabled me to follow and understand the course.  Always went home in a relaxed state."


"Very relaxing, very restful, a little piece of joy in my day."

"This has made me be a much better carer."

"It is keeping me calm."

"I felt very comforted by the whole thing."

"The sessions have helped to give me options for coping with worry/anxiety."

Teresa was very good at delivering the course.  She recognised and empathised with all the individual needs in the group. She had a very calming and gentle impact on all of us."


"I very much enjoyed the course and what we learnt each session.  It was nice meeting other people that are caring for their close ones.  The trainer was very kind and thoughtful and made us feel very welcome."


"I have realised the importance of making time for 'me'."

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